Women loves Shameer Khan.
I met Shameer Khan over a year ago - he called the agency, and wanted to test models. He wasn't ready yet, but I saw his ambition and potential. I asked him to work on his book, pursue photography, and keep me updated with his progress.
Shameer has more than just ambition - he has genuine talent and posseses comprehension skills far beyond his years.
He listened to my advice, and busted his ass taking pictures and working with models. A few months later he showed me his new work and I was impressed with how rapidly he, and his work had advanced.
I see great things happening for Shameer in the future. He doesn't just test models. He styles and is very hands on with the makeup and fashion elements on his shoots. These are the qualities of a great fashion photographer - someone who sees the woman in the photo, but also shows the line & texture of what shes wearing.
Shameer's work can be seen at http://shameerkhan.blogspot.com/.