A.M. Homes, Photo: Robert Nethery

Robert Nethery photographed author A.M. Homes for Wishful Thinkers, a limited edition book & gallery show at Milk Gallery. Proceeds from sales of the book & prints exhibited at Milk Gallery benefited FINCA International.

Wishful Thinkers is a project by Blackstar, a new design collective founded by creative director Marie Suter and photographer Viki Forhsee, to benefit the Foundations for International Community Assistance. FINCA International's mission is to provide financial services to low-income entrepreneurs in an effort to help create jobs, build assets and improve standards of living. Started in 1984, the microcredit organization reaches nearly a quarter of a million clients in more than twenty countries. FINCA International lends primarily to women in accordance with the belief that the surest and most direct way to improve the welfare of the world's children is to bolster their mother's ability to care for them.

-Melinda Anderson