Hook Nets Democrats in Sustainable Catch

Who says Monday nights are quiet? Not in Georgetown. Spotted: baby Senator Al Franken, having dinner with grown-up political consultant Mandy Grunwald, at Hook -- the secret gem of Georgetown dining. Both politicos had appetizers and seafood entrees, no alcohol. No alcohol? Maybe abstinence is a side effect of the health care reform debate.

But kudos to Sen. Franken for sitting down with one of the brightest lights in political consulting. Don't think Hillary wins elections all by herself -- Mandy Grunwald is a longtime, media-savvy, brilliant FOH.

Hook teems with high-power Democrats partly because of its mission -- to serve outstanding cuisine while sustaining the planet. Other Democratic honchos frequent the seafood haunt, which prides itself on serving sustainable catch using cruelty-free products. Rahm Emanuel and Madeleine Albright are regulars.

"They get the fine dining without the $300 price point," of Citronelle or 1789, explains Wendy Gordon of Hisaoka Communications.

But Democrats, don't get too comfortable. Bush heavyweight C. Boyden Gray also came in to dine with a friend, sitting within earshot of Democratic tables. Hook regular Gen. David Petraeus could keep the peace if these waters get rough.

Submitted to HOP by "The Mole" a.k.a Beth Solomon