All's Well that Ends Well.

Will (Shakespeare) on the Hill
photo by Kevin Allen
The Honorable Ian Liddell-Grainger MP is the great-great-great grandson of Queen Victoria, which in the order of British lineage makes him 339th in the line of succession to the British throne -- but who’s waiting? 

The member of the Parliament for Bridwater and West Somerset was chatting about the royal wedding at a reception before the performance of Will on the Hill, Shakespeare Theatre Company’s annual celebration.

Niteside didn’t miss the opportunity to ask the MP about the recent nuptials. “I’m related to Queen Victoria,” he said noting that the whole thing was great for England, a romantic revival of sorts. 

Oh, and he also owns a castle, as most lineaged Brits do. He was joined in the lobby by Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss,) and Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas), while the more nervous cast members were rehearsing their lines backstage, some for the first time.  For full column click here: