Magic Trip............yes, that kind!

In 1964 Ken Kesey, the famed author of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," set off on a legendary, LSD-fueled cross-country road trip to the New York World's Fair.

Director Alison Ellwood picks up the journey from there, explaining how she and director Alex Gibney came to make this film with long forgotten footage.

"On our way to Sundance in 2005 with our film, Enron: The smartest Guys in the Room, Alex and I read an article in the New Yorker by Robert Stone.  In the article he mentioned 40 hours of 16mm footage had been shot by Ken and the Pranksters.  It sounded too good to be true!  Sure enough, it was being stored in Ken's barn on the farm.  It was a big restoration project.  We got a grant from Scorcese's Film Foundation and the History Channel and the archive at UCLA began the job.  The film took us 6 years to make.  In reality, it's been in production for 47 years.  People told us we were crazy to take it on.  Perhaps we were!  But it was too good to pass up.  It was both frustrating and fun!"

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